Alex FerreiraUI/UX Designer



Self Check Out App for “Scoops Ahoy”

Project Objective:
To develop a user-friendly Self Check Out app and the main Design for the Machine itself for “Scoops Ahoy,” an artisanal ice cream brand. The app aims to enable customers to explore flavors, customize orders, and utilize self-checkout features, enhancing user interaction and convenience.

Target Audience:
Primarily children, young adults and families who appreciate premium, handcrafted ice cream and seek convenience in ordering and purchasing.

A Self Check Out app with features including a customizable ice cream order system, flavor exploration, a loyalty program, a quick check out option and for the Self Check Out machine a elegant design that suits both children and adults.

  1. Häagen-Dazs: Known for its luxurious texture and a wide range of flavors, including dairy-free options. They focus on using fresh, premium ingredients. Details about Häagen-Dazs are available at: Häagen-Dazs.
  2. Talenti: Although it’s a gelato brand, Talenti has a strong presence in the ice cream market with its variety of flavors, including fruit and richer options like Caramel Cookie Crunch. Details about Talenti are available at: Talenti.
  3. Tillamook: An expert in dairy, Tillamook’s ice cream is known for its extra creamy texture and high-quality ingredients. Details about Tillamook are available at: Tillamook.
  4. Ben & Jerry’s: Famous for its innovative flavors and fun names, Ben & Jerry’s offers a range of classic and unique flavors, including options for non-dairy consumers. Details about Ben & Jerry’s are available at: Ben & Jerry’s.
  5. Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream: An artisan creamery from Ohio, Jeni’s is celebrated for its imaginative flavors and premium ingredients. Details about Jeni’s offerings are available at: Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream.

MacDonald’s Self Service Application:

  1. User Experience: The kiosks feature an intuitive interface, touchscreen functionality, clear instructions, visual representation of menu items, customization options, and multilingual support. This enhances user convenience and satisfaction.
  2. Business Benefits: McDonald’s experienced a significant increase in sales and average order value after implementing these kiosks. They also offer upselling opportunities and improved order accuracy, contributing to higher customer satisfaction and business efficiency.
  3. Staff Empowerment: Instead of replacing staff, these kiosks have redistributed work, allowing staff to assist in other areas and improve overall service.
  4. Consumer Behavior: The kiosks have influenced consumer behavior, with customers feeling more comfortable and less anxious about ordering, leading to larger order sizes and values.
  5. Digital Trends: The shift towards app-based ordering complements the kiosk experience, encouraging more substantial orders and greater use of customization options.
  6. Cross-Industry Influence: McDonald’s successful implementation serves as a model for other industries, such as banking and telecommunications, to adopt similar self-service technologies.

Improvements could focus on enhancing the personalization of the customer experience through AI and machine learning, improving accessibility features for a wider range of customers, and further integrating with mobile apps for a seamless digital experience.

  • Demographic: Targeted users aged from all ages across various regions.
  • Medium: Online surveys, in-person Self Check Out surveys and in-person interviews.
  • Sample Size: 2000 survey responses and 30 in-depth interviews.

Interview Script:

  • Introduction: “Thank you for participating in our interview. Your feedback will help us improve the ‘Scoops Ahoy’ Self Check Out experience.”
  • Questions:
    • “Can you walk me through the last time you bought anything using a self check out App?”
    • “What did you enjoy about the experience, and what could have been better?”
    • “How often do you purchase ice cream?”
    • “What factors influence your choice of ice cream flavor?”
    • “Describe your ideal ice cream shopping experience using “Scoops Ahoy” App.”
  • Conclusion: “We appreciate your insights. They are invaluable to our design process, please take this code to have a 10% discount on your next ice cream!”

Key Findings:

  • Preferences in Ordering: 70% prefer a simple and quick ordering process. 65% are interested in customizing their orders.
  • Expectations: High expectations for an intuitive app design. 80% expect clear categorization of flavors and dietary options.
  • Pain Points: Common complaints about competitor apps include complex navigation and limited flavor information.

User Testing Reports

  • Objective: Test the effectiveness of the flavor mixer tool.
  • Method: Observation and number of people using the feature.
  • Findings: Users enjoyed the tool but certain users couldn’t properly use the tool.
  • Recommendations: Add a quick tutorial overlay for first-time users.
  • Age: 38
  • Occupation: High School Teacher
  • Lifestyle: Parent of two, focuses on family activities.
  • App Usage Goals: Quick ordering, family-friendly options, ability to place large orders, discounts, fun and interactive experience.
  • Age: 8
  • Occupation: Student
  • Lifestyle: Enjoys summer and likes family activities.
  • App Usage Goals: Quick ordering, “The app should have games to play!”.
  • Age: 20
  • Occupation: Freelancer
  • Lifestyle: She values convenience and efficiency, preferring solutions that fit into her fast-paced life.
  • App Usage Goals: Quick and easy access to ordering, a variety of choices to suit her changing preferences, and seamless payment options.

High-fidelity Mockups

High-fidelity Mockup: [Detailed design of the homepage, complete with branding, color scheme, product images, and CTAs.]

Self Service Machine Map and Wireframes

Following the European Accessibility Act :

Self Service Machine Map:

Wireframe: [Layout for the homepage, including the navigation menu and featured products.]

Final Design

  • Home Screen:
    Featuring a carousel of popular and seasonal flavors, quick access to the self-checkout feature, and prominent CTAs for flavor exploration.
  • Customization and Ordering:
    An interactive module for users to customize their ice cream orders, with options for sizes, flavors, mix-ins, and special requests.
  • Loyalty Program Integration:
    A system for users to earn and redeem points, receive personalized offers, and track their rewards.
  • Responsive Design:
    Ensuring the app is optimized for a range of devices, providing a seamless experience on both smartphones and tablets.

Missing Features (future improvements):

  1. Addition of Missing Pages for Extra Products: Integrate additional pages to showcase extra products that are currently not displayed on the app.
  2. Enhancement of the “Deals” Page: Revamp the “Deals” page to make it more user-friendly, visually appealing, and informative.
  3. Simplification of the Main System Structure: Overhaul the main system architecture to enhance simplicity and user navigation.
  4. Refinement of the Menu Page and Search Feature: Improve the design and functionality of the Menu page and the Search feature, ensuring they are more intuitive and efficient.
  5. Creation of a Special Page System for Customization: Develop a unique, interactive system for customization to offer a more “playful” and engaging user experience.
  6. Add mobile support for faster ordering.


The “Scoops Ahoy” app effectively meets its objectives by providing an engaging, intuitive, and convenient platform for ice cream enthusiasts. The app’s design not only facilitates easy ordering and customization but also promotes brand loyalty and user engagement.

What i learned:

I learned about the importance of user-friendly design in app development, especially for a diverse audience. Key insights included the need for an intuitive interface, the value of conducting thorough market research, and the significance of understanding user needs and preferences. The project underscored the importance of integrating feedback into design, highlighting how user engagement and satisfaction can be enhanced through thoughtful UI/UX design.

Alex F.